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leetcode-1239 solutions



1239.Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters


This problem, you need to find longest length of string from the given array of strings. The way to find the longest length is that you need to concatenate strings and check if the concatenated string has unique characters. And the unique characters means that the string has no duplicated characters in 26 alphabets.

This is input & outout data.

Input: arr = ["un","iq","ue"]
Output: 4

You can make "uniq" or "ique" from the given array of strings. If you want to concatenate "un" and "ue", It's not possible because "unue" has duplicated character "u".



I thought It as simple greedy way. Maybe I can call it one dimension dynamic programming. I memorize the longest string that can includes 'i'th string. So first I iterate all array which is 'i' and I iterate previous memorized array which is 'j'.

But I found that counterexample. for example, ["ab", "cd", "defgh"] If I put ab and cd, in seconde iteration I memorized "abcd". But the answer is to concat "ab" and "defgh"


Then I read condition again. condition was pretty small. It limits the length of string is 26. So It means, I can't make that much strings. First I thought all number of cases is 16!(factorial) but It's not. (arr.length is under 16)

So I concat all the cases. For example, just make simple memoization array. After that iterate all array of strings and concat all the possible cases. That's it.


 * @param {string[]} arr
 * @return {number}
var maxLength = function (arr) {
    const memo = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (hasDuplicate(arr[i])) {
        const memoLength = memo.length; // It can be changed in loop
        for (let j = 0; j < memoLength; j++) {
            if (isPossible(memo[j], arr[i])) {
                memo.push(memo[j] + arr[i]);
    let max = 0;
    memo.forEach(item => {
        if (item.length > max) {
            max = item.length;
    return max;

var isPossible = function (str1, str2) {
    let possible = true;
    [...str1].forEach(c => {
        if (str2.includes(c)) {
            possible = false;
    return possible;
var hasDuplicate = function (str) {
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        for (let j = i + 1; j < str.length; j++) {
            if ( == {
                return true;
    return false;


I need to read condition more carefully. Also need to try more test cases.